
健之佳(605266.SH)拟斥4560万元收购德仁堂69家药店 强化成都市密集布点

Jianzhijia (605266.SH) plans to spend 45.6 million yuan to acquire 69 pharmacies in Derentang to strengthen intensive distribution in Chengdu

Zhitong Finance ·  Feb 8 16:44

Zhitong Finance App News, Jianzhijia (605266.SH) announced that its wholly-owned subsidiary, Sichuan Jianzhijia Pharmacy Co., Ltd. (“Sichuan Jianzhijia”), signed a “Pharmacy Asset Acquisition Agreement” with its counterparty Sichuan Derentang Pharmaceutical Chain Co., Ltd. (“Derentang”) to acquire the store assets and operating interests (“target assets”) of 69 pharmacies in Derentang (hereinafter referred to as “target stores”) for 45.6 million yuan.

Through the acquisition of target assets, Sichuan Jianzhijia has further strengthened its intensive distribution in Chengdu, Sichuan, and entered new regions to achieve the goals of rapid distribution, gaining market share, and shortening the payback period.

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