
星展:维持华虹半导体(01347)“持有”评级 目标价降至17港元

DBS: Maintaining Huahong Semiconductor's (01347) “holding” rating and reducing the target price to HK$17

Zhitong Finance ·  Feb 8 15:15

DBS cut Huahong Semiconductor's (01347) profit forecast for the current fiscal year and next by 55% and 49%.

The Zhitong Finance App learned that DBS released a research report stating that it maintained the “holding” rating of Huahong Semiconductor (01347), but lowered the profit forecast for today's and next two fiscal years by 55% and 49% to reflect the average price pressure on 300mm wafers and the long-term contraction in gross profit. The target price was lowered from HK$22 to HK$17 based on a slower than expected recovery.

According to the report, the company's adjusted loss (excluding government subsidies) reached US$16 million last quarter, mainly due to long-term weak demand in the terminal market, which was in line with expectations. The company's management predicts a gross profit margin of 3% to 6% for the first quarter of this year. The weak performance is due to continued pressure on average prices for consumer electronics-related products.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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