
A股多模态AI概念股异动反弹 昆仑万维涨超10%

A-share multi-modal AI concept stocks fluctuated and rebounded, Kunlun Wanwei rose more than 10%

Gelonghui Finance ·  Feb 6 10:45
Glonghui, Feb. 6 | Kunlun World Wide rose more than 10%, Yuncong Technology, Tom Cat, and Softcom Power rose more than 5%, followed by 360, Visual China, Chinese Online, and Taurus. According to foreign media reports, Google said that Gemini Pro is one of Google's largest artificial intelligence (AI) models. As an upgraded version of Bard (Bard), it is now open to European users. Through Gemini, Google hopes to compete with OpenAI's popular chatbot ChatGPT.

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