
光环新网(300383.SZ):目前算力中心已具备约300P算力规模 为部分用户提供算力服务

Guanghuan New Network (300383.SZ): Currently, the computing power center has about 300P computing power to provide computing power services for some users

Gelonghui Finance ·  Feb 2 15:21

Gelonghui, Feb. 2 | Guanghuan New Network (300383.SZ) said on the investor interactive platform that the company's main business is Internet data center business and cloud computing business. In August 2023, the company officially launched the computing power business, which can provide high-standard and diversified intelligent computing power infrastructure services for high-tech industries such as artificial intelligence and big models. Currently, the computing power center has a computing power scale of about 300P to provide computing power services for some users.

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