
大行评级|摩根大通:下调金沙中国目标价至29港元 下调今明两年EBITDA预测约3%

Bank Rating | J.P. Morgan Chase: Lowering the target price of Sands China to HK$29, lowering the EBITDA forecast for this year and next two years by about 3%

Gelonghui Finance ·  Feb 1 16:44
Glonghui, Feb. 1 | J.P. Morgan Chase released a report stating that Sands China's quarterly results were in line with expectations, the forecast was fine-tuned, and the revenue forecast remained largely unchanged. The EBITDA forecast for this year and next two years was lowered by about 3%, reflecting investors' concerns about marketing and operating expenses. The projected EBITDA for this year is US$2.8 billion, which is similar to market estimates. The bank lowered its target price from HK$32 to HK$29, mainly due to a moderate reduction in the EBITDA forecast and a moderate increase in capital expenditure assumptions. The target price reflects the corporate value multiples (EV/EBITDA) of today and next two years by 13 times and 11 times, respectively, with a rating of “increase in holdings”.

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