
10公司公告股东补充质押 1月补充质押家次环比激增近九成

10 companies announced supplementary shareholders' pledges The number of supplementary pledges surged by nearly 90% month-on-month in January ·  Feb 1 00:18

① On the evening of January 31, 10 listed companies announced additional shareholders' pledges. The number of companies that disclosed supplementary pledges increased to 67 in January, surging 86% from December last year; ② Analysts said that if stock prices fall further, shareholders of listed companies can continue to supplement collateral to mitigate risks, and the risk to shareholders whose pledge ratio is not high is manageable.

Financial Services Association, Feb. 1 (Reporter Fang Yanbo) The A-share market was sluggish at the beginning of the year, which frustrated ordinary investors and also made many major shareholders of listed companies nervous.

On the evening of January 31, 10 more listed companies announced additional shareholders' pledges, bringing the number of companies that disclosed supplementary pledges to 67 throughout January, an increase of 86% over the previous month of 36 in December last year. Also, looking at the January announcements, 50 companies concentrated on disclosures in the second half of the month, accounting for 75%.

The reason why shareholders of listed companies made supplementary pledges was none other than a drop in the stock price of the pledged stock. Among the companies that issued supplementary pledge announcements on the evening of the 31st, the biggest drop in stock prices in this round was Enjie Shares (002812.SZ). Its price fell all the way from a high of 316 yuan (previously reinstated) and fell more than 25% during this month, leaving only 42.49 yuan at the closing price on the 31st.

In addition, among the 10 companies mentioned above, the stock prices of companies such as Jinhaitong (603061.SH), Xinleineng (300593.SZ), Dyler New Materials (300700.SZ), and Bomin Electronics (603936.SH) all fell by more than 30% during the month.

It is worth noting that although all listed companies mentioned in their announcements that their shareholders' credit conditions are good and have corresponding repayment capacity, there is currently no risk that their pledged shares will be liquidated or forcibly transferred.

However, after sorting through, the reporter found that apart from the number of shares pledged by Yang Yuhong, the actual controller of Yujing shares, which accounts for 74.80% of his shares, and that the shares pledged by the chairman and actual controllers of Shunluo Electronics and Dyler New Materials are over 60%, the shareholders' pledge ratio of the remaining 7 companies is not too high.

In response, some analysts said that at a time when the market is currently in turmoil, if the stock price falls further in the future, shareholders of listed companies can continue to add collateral to mitigate risks. For shareholders who currently do not have a high pledge ratio, the risk of pledging and closing positions is not that great.

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