
易华录预亏19亿元!数据湖业务缩减步入“阵痛期” 部分新业务规模未起

Yi Hua recorded a pre-loss of 1.9 billion yuan! The data lake business has shrunk into a “painful period” and the scale of some of the new businesses has yet to reach ·  Jan 30 21:46

① E-Hualu is expected to achieve operating revenue of 810 million yuan to 1.03 billion yuan in 2023, with net profit losses of 1.48 billion yuan to 1.91 billion yuan; ② The announcement shows that changes in Ehualu's performance are affected by business transformation and adjustments, actively reducing data lake construction and advance funding businesses, and related businesses have been drastically reduced.

Finance Association, January 30 (Reporter Wu Xin) In the process of shifting the business focus to data element operations, Yi Hualu (300212.SZ) is in a painful period.

This evening, Yi Hualu revealed the performance forecast. The company will achieve operating income of 810 million yuan to 1.03 billion yuan in 2023; net profit loss to mother of 1.48 billion yuan - 1.91 billion yuan; and net profit loss after deduction of 1.51 billion yuan to 1.95 billion yuan.

The company said that changes in the company's performance were affected by business transformation and adjustments, and data lake construction and advance funding businesses were actively reduced, and related businesses were drastically reduced. Among them, the data lake business accounted for a relatively low share of revenue during the reporting period.

The company said, “It is expected that no new shares will be added to the Investment Data Lake Project in the future. Preliminary judgments are that preparations will be made for impairment of relevant intangible assets.”

At the same time, Yi Hualu's operating payments have declined sharply compared to previous years, and the expected credit risk loss rate for accounts receivable and contract assets has increased. The company expects to increase its preparation for deduction and impairment of accounts receivable and contract assets in the 2023 report.

In fact, the negative impact of the reduction in the data lake construction business on E-Hualu's performance was already evident in 2021. Sorting through the company's recent financial reports, it can be found that in 2021, the company experienced its first loss since listing, with a net profit loss of 167 million yuan; in 2022, Yi Hualu turned a loss into a profit, but only achieved a net profit of 11.5393 million yuan.

The company revealed during research activities that since 2017, the main business has switched from smart transportation to data lake construction, and the strategic layout of the data lake construction business has basically been completed in 2021. Starting in 2022, the company will no longer undertake the construction of Xinhu and will switch to operations related to data elements, leading to a drastic reduction in the revenue and gross profit of the digital economy infrastructure construction business.

E-Hualu is expanding its data elements, super storage and smart transportation services. Some businesses are still in their infancy. The business is developing rapidly but the scale is temporarily small. According to the company, in the public data authorized operation business, “after the project enters a stable state of operation, it can bring about 1 billion dollars in revenue space for data operation services every year.”

The reporter noticed that in the data element business, Yi Hualu has developed strategic cooperation with more than a dozen mainstream exchanges across the country, listed data products, and generated revenue; in the field of smart transportation, the company is expanding overseas markets. The company said, “In the process of advancing the Belt and Road Initiative, overseas business will usher in a relatively large period of explosion.”

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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