

Yonghe Intelligent Control (002795.SZ): Pre-loss of 100 million yuan to 140 million yuan in 2023

Gelonghui Finance ·  Jan 30 18:10

Gelonghui, January 30, 丨 Yonghe Intelligent Control (002795.SZ) announced the 2023 annual results forecast. Net profit loss attributable to shareholders of listed companies during the reporting period was RMB 140,000,000 to RMB 10.0000 million, loss of RMB 26.7033 million for the same period of the previous year; net profit loss attributable to shareholders of listed companies after deducting non-recurring profit and loss of RMB 140.2894 million to RMB 10,02894 million, loss of 23.364 million yuan for the same period last year; basic earnings loss of 0.33 yuan/share to 0.24 yuan/share; operating income per share; 85,000,000 yuan to 1050,000 yuan, and after deduction, operating income of 829.3399 million yuan to 1,029.3399 million yuan.

The company accelerated the production and operation of the new energy n-type TopCon battery business during the reporting period. The photovoltaic cell production line in Taixing, Jiangsu was put into operation, and costs such as related R&D expenses, management expenses and operating costs continued to be invested, resulting in significant operating losses during the reporting period.

The company's valve and pipe fittings business mainly relies on export sales. Revenue and profit declined during the reporting period, mainly due to a decrease in orders, and an increase in expenses during travel, exhibition, hospitality, and overseas market development expenses in order to expand marketing channels and enhance marketing capabilities.

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