

Langyuan Co., Ltd. (300175.SZ): Pre-loss of 51 million yuan to 99 million yuan in 2023

Gelonghui Finance ·  Jan 30 17:52

Gelonghui, January 30丨Langyuan Co., Ltd. (300175 .SZ) announced its 2023 annual results forecast. Net profit loss attributable to shareholders of listed companies during the reporting period was 51 million yuan to 99 million yuan; net profit loss after deducting non-recurring profit and loss; operating income of 21 million yuan to 235 million yuan, and operating income of 215 million yuan to 235 million yuan after deduction.

In fiscal 2023, the main reason for the loss of net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies was that during the reporting period, the company's operating income was basically the same as in the same period last year, but the holding subsidiary Guangdong Youshi United Holding Group Co., Ltd. stagnated, resulting in credit impairment provisions of about 70 million yuan based on age of accounts receivable, of which about 13 million yuan was accrued in accounts receivable and 57 million yuan in other accounts receivable.

The impact of non-recurring profit and loss attributable to shareholders of listed companies on net profit during the reporting period was approximately RMB 50,000.

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