
A股异动丨联特科技连续2日大跌 市值失守百亿元 年度净利预计大幅下降

A-share changes丨Liante Technology plummeted for 2 consecutive days, market capitalization fell below 10 billion yuan, and annual net profit is expected to drop sharply

Gelonghui Finance ·  Jan 30 11:36
Gelonghui, January 30 | Liante Technology (301205.SZ), which dropped at 20CM yesterday, once again plummeted by more than 12%. It now reports 73.53 yuan, and its total market value has fallen below the 10 billion yuan mark. According to the after-hours announcement on Friday, the profit for the full year of 2023 is expected to be 20 million to 30 million, and the net profit is down 82% to 74% year on year. During the reporting period, order volume and order prices declined due to external circumstances such as weakening structural demand in the industry.

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