

*ST Eye Medicine (600671.SH): Expected net loss of 32.245,500 yuan to 40.245,500 yuan in 2023

Gelonghui Finance ·  Jan 29 19:36

Gelonghui announced on January 29丨*ST Eye Medicine (600671.SH) announced that it is expected to achieve net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies of -40.245,500 yuan to -32.2455 million yuan in 2023. Net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies after deducting non-recurring gains and losses for the year 2023 is estimated to be 41.134 million yuan to -33.1340 million yuan. According to preliminary estimates by the company's finance department, the company's annual revenue for 2023 is estimated to be 116.0 million yuan to 126.0 million yuan; it is estimated that the company's operating income in 2023 after deducting business income unrelated to the main business and income without commercial substance will be approximately 10,600 million yuan to 11.03 million yuan.

According to Tianmu Pharmaceutical's 2023 performance forecast, Tianmu Pharmaceutical will not be involved in a situation where “losses after deducting non-recurring profit and loss, operating income is less than 100 million yuan or net assets are negative”. As of the date of issuance of this special statement, we have carried out only part of the audit procedure for the financial statements. We have not found any significant discrepancies between the data in Tianmu Pharmaceutical's performance forecast relating to the financial delisting situation for which the delisting risk warning was implemented and the financial statement data being audited. It should be clarified that the audit of Tianmu Pharmaceutical's 2023 financial statements is still in progress. There may be significant differences between the approved data of Tianmu Pharmaceutical's 2023 financial statements and the data relating to the financial delisting situation in Tianmu Pharmaceutical's 2023 performance forecast and the financial delisting situation for which a delisting risk warning was implemented.

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