
大行评级|大摩:相信华住股价60日内将会上升 目标价60美元

Big Bank Ratings | Damo: I believe Huazhu's stock price will rise to a target price of 60 US dollars within 60 days

Gelonghui Finance ·  Jan 29 11:37
Glonghui, January 29 | Morgan Stanley issued a report, believing that Huazhu's stock price will rise within 60 days. The probability of occurrence is over 80%, the target price is 60 US dollars, and the rating is “increase in holdings.” According to the report, in the first few weeks of January, the recovery of revenue per rentable room in the Chinese hotel industry was better than expected. The bank currently expects average revenue growth of more than 10% year-on-year in January, compared to the previous forecast of only 6%. At the same time, it is expected that the average income will continue to grow year-on-year during the upcoming Spring Festival holiday.

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