
研报掘金丨华泰证券:上调新东方目标价至102.45美元 维持“买入”评级

Research Report Nuggets丨Huatai Securities: Raising New Oriental's Target Price to $102.45 to Maintain a “Buy” Rating

Gelonghui Finance ·  Jan 25 22:29
Glonghui, January 25 | Huatai Securities published a report stating that New Oriental achieved revenue of US$870 million in the second fiscal quarter, exceeding the previous guideline of US$785 million to US$804 million; non-GAAP operating profit was US$51 million, corresponding to a non-GAAP operating margin of 5.9%, which beat market expectations. Revenue guidance for the third fiscal quarter was $1,071 million to $1,093 million, an increase of 42% to 45% year-on-year. According to the bank, considering factors such as the continued strong demand for offline training, the steady expansion of the teaching network, the continued deepening of e-commerce brand operations, and the acceleration of the national layout of the cultural tourism business, New Oriental's 2024-2026 fiscal quarter's non-GAAP net profit is expected to be 471 million, 691 million and 825 million US dollars respectively, raising New Oriental's target price to 102.45 US dollars to maintain a “buy” rating.

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