
新签订单金额同比增长67% 风语筑预计全年净利增长超3倍

The amount of new orders signed increased 67% year over year, and Fengyuzhu expects net profit to increase more than 3 times for the whole year ·  Jan 25 19:42

① Thanks to the release of offline travel and consumer demand, the amount of new orders placed by Fengyuzhu increased 67% year over year last year, and net profit for the whole year is expected to increase nearly fivefold. ② Last year, the company won bids for several digital cultural tourism projects, and recently announced the establishment of an MR Research Institute to develop VR/AR/MR general-purpose 3D content production tools.

Financial Services Association, January 25 (Reporter Cui Ming) Thanks to the release of offline travel and consumer demand, Fengyuzhu (603466.SH) signed a 67% year-on-year increase in the amount of new orders last year, and net profit for the whole year is expected to increase nearly fivefold.

This evening, Fengyuzhu announced the 2023 annual results forecast. It is estimated to achieve net profit of 280 million yuan to 390 million yuan, an increase of 323.96% to 490.52% over the previous year; net profit after deduction is estimated to be of 206 million yuan to 316 million yuan, an increase of 578.47% to 939.28% over the previous year.

The reason for the change in performance was mainly due to the sharp increase in completed projects and operating income, the increase in new orders driving the overall growth of the company's performance, and vigorous promotion of project settlement and repayment work. Credit impairment losses calculated during the reporting period decreased compared to the previous year.

Fengyuzhu also revealed in the announcement that in 2023, the total amount of new orders signed by the company was about 2,651 billion yuan, an increase of 1,066 billion yuan (about 67%) over the previous year.

According to data from the previous semi-annual report, Fengyuzhu signed a total of about 761 million yuan of new orders in the first half of last year, which means that the company signed a new order of 1.89 billion yuan in the second half of the year.

A Financial Services Association reporter checked the winning bid announcement and found that in the second half of the year, the company participated in various projects such as the Yellow River Suspension River Cultural Exhibition Park Exhibition Project, the Ganzhou Nankang District Cultural Power Museum Project, the Jiupai Rural Revitalization and Technology Transformation Center Project, the Enhancement of Cultural Tourism Night Tour in the Shou County Ancient City Wall Area, and the Old Museum Area Renewal and Renovation Project. Based on the winning bids for projects in the first half of the year, digital cultural tourism projects accounted for a significant proportion.

It is worth mentioning that the company recently announced the establishment of the MR Research Institute and plans to develop 3D content production tools for VR/AR/MR, which can be adapted to different development platforms and hardware devices.

The reporter learned from Fengyuzhu that based on business and R&D requirements, the company plans to convert some VR content from the company and Veer to MR-compatible versions. Furthermore, Fengyuzhu MR Research Institute has applied for a VisionPro development kit from Apple, which will focus on the MR content ecosystem.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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