

Takushan Heavy Industries (001226.SZ): Pre-loss of 9 million yuan to 13 million yuan in 2023

Gelonghui Finance ·  Jan 25 19:17

Gelonghui, January 25 | Tuoshan Heavy Industries (001226.SZ) announced its 2023 annual results forecast. Net profit loss attributable to shareholders of listed companies during the reporting period was 9 million yuan to 13 million yuan, or 58.345 million yuan in the same period last year; net profit loss after deducting non-recurring profit and loss of 11 million yuan to 16 million yuan, 45.2781 million yuan for the same period last year; basic earnings loss per share 0.12 yuan/share — 0.17 yuan/share.

In 2023, due to the decline in demand from the downstream industry, the company's sales declined, and industry competition intensified, leading to a decline in the gross margin of the company's products. There were signs of depreciation in the corresponding part of the inventory, and asset impairment losses increased in the current period. As a result, the company's operating income and net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies also declined accordingly compared to the same period last year.

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