
A股芯片半导体板块震荡走高 上海贝岭涨停

The A-share chip semiconductor sector fluctuated higher and Shanghai Beiling rose or stopped

Gelonghui Finance ·  Jan 25 09:42
Glonghui, January 25 | Shanghai Beiling rose and stopped, while many stocks such as Shanghai Xinyang, Huahai Chengke, Zhichun Technology, and Tuojing Technology rose more than 4%. According to the news, lithography giant Asmack's fourth-quarter revenue was 7.24 billion euros, up 12.59% year on year, higher than the forecast of 6.93 billion euros; gross margin was 51.4%. The number of orders during the period reached 9.19 billion euros, a record high, tripling the month-on-month increase as demand for its most advanced extreme ultraviolet lithography machine soared, and the latter's order volume reached 5.6 billion euros.

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