
得利斯(002330.SZ)拟斥5000万元投设江西得利斯 完善全国化产能布局

Delis (002330.SZ) plans to spend 50 million yuan to invest in Jiangxi Delis to improve the national production capacity layout

Zhitong Finance ·  Jan 24 17:39

Zhitong Finance App News, Delice (002330.SZ) announced that the company's board of directors agreed to invest in the establishment of a wholly-owned subsidiary, Jiangxi Delice Food Co., Ltd. (the name is subject to final approval by the market supervision and management department, “Jiangxi Delice”) in accordance with the business strategy and development plan. The company invested 50 million yuan in currency, with a 100% investment ratio, and the funding source was its own capital.

The company established Jiangxi Delis, a wholly-owned subsidiary based on the company's nationalization strategy and operation plan, making full use of the company's location and industrial advantages in Jiangxi Province to improve the company's nationwide production capacity layout and enhance the company's overall competitiveness. In the future, the company will lease relevant industrial park plants and facilities in Xinfeng County in the form of leases. Subsequent companies will sign relevant agreements based on business development to lay the production capacity foundation for the company to continue expanding the East China, Central China and South China markets.

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