

*ST Xiyu (300859.SZ) issued a pre-profit. The net profit for 2023 is expected to be 86.6 million yuan to 107 million yuan, turning a loss into a profit

Zhitong Finance ·  Jan 23 17:05

*ST Xiyu (300859.SZ) disclosed the 2023 annual results forecast. The company is expected to belong to listed company shares...

Zhitong Finance App News, *ST Xiyu (300859.SZ) disclosed the 2023 annual results forecast. The company expects net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies of 86.6 million yuan to 107 million yuan, turning a year-on-year loss into a profit; net profit of 84.6 million yuan to 105 million yuan after deducting non-recurring profit and loss.

During the reporting period, the company actively grasped opportunities for industry recovery. On the one hand, it was committed to improving the company's overall management level and operational quality, continuously strengthening internal control management, implementing cost reduction and efficiency measures, and optimizing the company's refined management level; on the other hand, it actively expanded marketing strategies to strengthen the promotion of scenic spots through a series of cultural tourism activities such as the 2023 Scenic Area Project Promotion and Signing Conference, the Open Moon Festival, Tianshan Mountain, and Big Pot Lamb Festival.

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