
佳创视讯(300264):深耕VR产业多年 布局苹果VISION PRO业务

Jiachuang Video (300264): Deeply involved in the VR industry for many years and laid out the Apple VISION PRO business

太平洋證券 ·  Jan 21

Several projects have collaborated with Apple Vision Pro. The company's three projects are related to the Apple MR device Apple Vision Pro: VR camera LOOPS CAM (Mirage) playback adaptation project, fantasy line platform and VR live streaming application reconstruction project, and offline full-sense theater project and space casual game GummyBang. Among them, GummyBang is a casual spatial computing game developed based on the Apple Vision Pro device, and there are plans to release it as the first content when Apple Vision Pro is launched.

He has been deeply involved in the VR industry for many years. In November 2022, the company released four strategic products: LOOPS CAM (Magic Mirror), MotionMax (Motion), WeDeck (VR Live Streaming Open Platform), and OOPSLINE (Fantasy Line) at the World VR Conference. The company also has a wholly-owned subsidiary, Beijing Yijing Technology Co., Ltd., which produces VR content; the subsidiary Shaanxi Fenteng Interactive is engaged in VR game production. For B-side customers, the company provides virtual business community development services.

Apple Vision Pro started off well. On January 19, 2024, Apple VisionPro began pre-orders, and the 256G, 512G, and 1T VisionPro prices were $3499, $3699, and $3899, respectively. Good sales feedback on the scheduled day led to an extended delivery period.

On January 17, 2024, Apple launched the Vision Pro App Store, which will include more than 1 million apps.

Investment advice: The company deployed Apple Vision Pro, which has been accumulated in the VR field for a long time. The company's EPS is expected to be -0.03/0.01/0.02 yuan in 2023-2025, respectively, maintaining the purchase rating.

Risk warning: New business areas fall short of expectations; industry competition intensifies.

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