
港股异动 | 环球战略集团(08007)大跌超15% 去年10月以来一度大涨317% 年度拥有人应占亏损1222.9万港元

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | Global Strategy Group (08007) plummeted by more than 15% and surged 317% since October last year. Annual loss attributable to owners was HK$122.29 million

Zhitong Finance ·  Jan 22 10:33

Global Strategy Group (08007) plummeted by more than 15%. As of press release, it was down 15% to HK$1.02, with a turnover of HK$18.78 million.

The Zhitong Finance App learned that Global Strategy Group (08007) plummeted by more than 15%. As of press release, it was down 15% to HK$1.02, with a turnover of HK$18.78 million. It is worth noting that the company's stock price once surged 317% since October last year.

According to the news, Global Strategy Group recently announced that on January 10, 2024, the company and Shanghai Tiancuiting Health Food Co., Ltd. (potential partner) signed a non-legally binding memorandum of understanding on potential cooperation in the sale of meat products to Japan, South Korea or other countries/regions.

The Board believes that it is beneficial for the Group to seek investment opportunities from time to time to develop its existing business portfolio, engage in new businesses with growth potential, and expand its revenue streams. The directors believe that if the potential cooperation between the Group and potential partners is implemented, it will provide the Group with an opportunity to diversify the Group's revenue sources and meet the overall interests of the company and shareholders.

In addition, Global Strategy Group recently announced final results for the year ended September 30, 2023, with revenue of approximately HK$166 million, up 21.9% year on year; loss attributable to company owners was HK$122.29 million, a decrease of 21.12% year over year; loss per share was HK2.68 cents.

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