
仙乐健康(300791.SZ)拟投设产业基金 专注投资于中国大健康领域

Xianle Health (300791.SZ) plans to set up an industrial fund to focus on investing in China's big health sector

Zhitong Finance ·  Jan 21 16:46

Xianle Health (300791.SZ) issued an announcement. The board of directors of the company agreed that the company and Shanghai Hongzhang Investment Management Co., Ltd...

According to Zhitong Finance App, Xianle Health (300791.SZ) issued an announcement. The board of directors of the company agreed that the company and Shanghai Hongzhang Investment Management Co., Ltd. (“Shanghai Hongzhang”) will jointly invest in the establishment of the industrial fund Hongzhang Xianle Health Partnership (limited partnership).

According to reports, the target amount of funds pledged for industrial funds is not more than RMB 204 million, and the initial pledge amount is RMB 130 million. The company intends to act as the limited partner of the industrial fund. Guangdong Qianbaida Health Industry Co., Ltd. (“Guangdong Qianbai”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, and Shanghai Hongzhang jointly serve as the general partner of the industrial fund. The amount of capital to be pledged by the company and Guangdong Qianbai does not exceed 49.02% of the total investment pledged by the industrial fund, and no more than RMB 100 million under any circumstances. The amount of capital to be pledged by Shanghai Hongzhang as a general partner is RMB 200,000. The remaining portion is to be raised from other interested parties.

The fund focuses on investing in China's big health sector, creating a unique thematic investment fund combining nutrition, health and technology with the goal of leading nutritional technology and adding value to health. Industrial funds pay special attention to investment opportunities in the field of nutrition and health, such as (1) hardcore nutrition and health technology, (2) high-quality health service organizations and channels, (3) innovative nutritional health products and brands, and (4) the revival of old nutritional health brands and traditional Chinese medicine treasures.

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