
大行评级|麦格理:小幅下调台积电台股目标价至710.31元新台币 评级“跑赢大市”

Bank Rating | Macquarie: Slightly lowered the target price of TSMC shares to NT$710.31 to “outperform the market”

Gelonghui Finance ·  Jan 19 11:37
Glonghui, January 19 | According to Macquarie's report, TSMC's net profit for the fourth quarter beat market forecasts by 7%, and its guidance for the full year of this year is also very close to market expectations; management also expects revenue for the first quarter of this year to fall 6% quarterly and 10% year-on-year; operating profit margin will increase 1% year-on-year and 10% quarterly. The bank expects that concerns about the Group's profit margins, overseas costs, or demand for artificial intelligence will subside over time. According to the bank, predictions for the group remained largely unchanged. The first quarter of this year marked a return to year-on-year revenue growth, with a 10% increase in dollar terms, and Macquarie's forecast an 8% increase. The bank slightly lowered the Group's **** stock target price from NT$725.43 to NT$710.31, ranking it “outperforming the market.”

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