
港股异动 | 京东健康(06618)涨超3% 健康补充品类别增长强劲 机构上调收入预测及目标价

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | JD Health (06618) rose more than 3%, the health supplement category grew strongly, and institutions raised revenue forecasts and target prices

Zhitong Finance ·  Jan 19 11:23

JD Health (06618) rose more than 3%. As of press release, it was up 3.05% to HK$28.7, with a turnover of HK$65.3581 million.

The Zhitong Finance App learned that JD Health (06618) rose more than 3%. As of press release, it had risen 3.05% to HK$28.7, with a turnover of HK$65.3581 million.

According to the news, on January 15, the 2024 JD Health New Year Festival began to warm up, and many Health Year gift rings are popular. As of 15:00 on the 17th, brands such as Tong Ren Tang, Swisse, Tomson Beijian, Nestle, and Tsubamewa had outstanding sales, making them the top five brands in the JD Health, Nutrition and Wellness Competition.

Furthermore, HSBC Research published a report that the recent outbreak of respiratory infections in the mainland has led to continued demand, and strong growth in the health supplement category. The bank raised the company's revenue forecasts for last year, this year and next year by 2% each. Since the revenue outlook is better than expected, it will keep last year's profit forecast unchanged. It also raised non-IFRS net profit by 14% and 3% for this year and next year, respectively. The bank raised its target price to HK$48 and maintained its rating as “buy”.

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