
游资再出手 长白山、大连圣亚暴涨后大幅回调!春节冰雪、民俗旅游热度再创新高

There was a sharp correction after tourism capital surged again in Changbai Mountain and Dalian Shengya! The popularity of snow, ice, and folk tourism reached a new high during the Spring Festival ·  Jan 18 21:27

① On January 18, Changbai Mountain closed down 5.79%. According to the transaction details, “Lhasa Tiantuan”, the base camp for retail investors, staged repeated pulling, with a single-day turnover rate of 19.59%, a turnover of 522,400 hands, and a turnover of 1.94 billion yuan. ② According to the Spring Festival travel trend forecast recently released by Ctrip and Flying Pig, the popularity of tourism in Harbin is expected to continue until after the Spring Festival.

Financial Services Association | New Consumer Daily, January 18 (Researcher Liang Youyun). Since January of this year, with the popularity of snow and ice tourism in Northeast China, the stock prices of several ice and snow tourism concept stocks have risen continuously.

Among them, Changbaishan, which is located in Jilin and specializes in hotels and passenger transportation, has generated 9 trading days since January 2, with a cumulative increase of over 160%; while Dalian Shengya, the main aquarium and amusement park, also experienced abnormal stock price fluctuations of 7 rising and falling boards within 12 trading days, and the stock price reached a historical peak.

On January 18, the travel sector experienced a second decline in collective stock prices after a sharp rise, while Changbaishan and Dalian Shengya experienced a brief correction in stock prices. Among them, Dalian Shengya closed down 9.99% and Changbai Mountain closed down 5.79%, leading the decline in the travel sector. Qujiang cultural tourism, Jiuhua tourism, Guilin tourism, and Xi'an tourism all fell by more than 4%.

Judging from the transaction details, Dalian Shengya's current sales volume exceeds 95 million yuan. There is no shortage of short-term capital QFII “base” UBS Securities Shanghai Huayuan Shiqiao Road sales department, Huatai Securities headquarters, etc.; while in the list of institutions that “took over” a small number of “takeover” institutions, “Lhasa Tiantan” is also on the list.

It is even more obvious in the transaction details in Changbaishan. Most of it is repeated pull from the “Lhasa Tiantuan”. The single-day turnover rate is 19.59%, with a turnover of 522,400 hands, and a turnover of 1.94 billion yuan.


Since the stock price fluctuated abnormally in January, Changbaishan and Dalian Shengya have issued numerous announcements and been subject to regulatory inquiries.

The January 18 Changbaishan announcement once again emphasized that at present, the company's ice and snow project revenue accounts for a relatively small share of the company's overall revenue. The company's main business is still tourist passenger transportation business and hotel business, and there are no other major changes in the company's fundamentals.

Dalian Shengya issued an abnormal stock price announcement on January 17, stating that the company did not find media reports or market rumors that may require clarification or response or that have had an impact on the stock trading prices of listed companies. The company's shareholders also clarified that no shares were traded during the period when the company's stock was changed, and there were no undisclosed matters that could have had a significant impact on the company's stock price.

In the process of active gaming in the secondary market, snow and ice tourism and folk culture activities in Northeast China are still in full swing. According to Ma Yiliang, chief statistician of the China Institute of Tourism Research (Ministry of Culture and Tourism Data Center), the tourism industry will usher in the recovery of the industrial chain, investment and financing, and outbound markets in 2024, and competition will also become more intense.

On January 18, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism proposed that it will organize and carry out the “Happy New Year” 2024 Spring Festival themed cultural and tourism activities from today until March 11. Activities include various fields such as theatrical performances, public services, intangible heritage experiences, tourism and leisure, snow and ice research, cultural and expo exhibitions, and international and domestic interaction.

In particular, the popular Harbin Tour and Shanghai's “Blossoming Flowers” movie theme this year. According to reports, in the near future, the Heilongjiang Acrobatic Troupe and the Harbin Opera House will perform at the Ice and Snow World over the next 13 days, and the “Happy New Year in Shanghai — Looking for Dragons All the Way Through the Blossoming City” theme event will include more than 300 plays, operas, and musicals.

According to the Spring Festival travel trend forecast recently released by Ctrip and Flying Pig, the popularity of tourism in Harbin is expected to continue until after the Spring Festival. Among them, Ctrip's travel orders to Harbin increased 14 times year on year during the Spring Festival, and reservations for snow and ice travel products across the country increased more than 10 times year on year. Most travel products were piled up in Northeast cities such as Harbin, Mudanjiang, Changchun, and Baishan. On the Flying Pig platform, hotel reservations in Harbin during the Spring Festival increased 16 times year on year, and travel route reservations increased 13 times year over year.

In response to investors' questions today, Changbaishan also said that the tourism industry has recovered in 2023, and the number of visitors to the company has also increased significantly compared to the three years of the epidemic. Judging from the announced results for the third quarter, the company's performance has recovered quite well. Earlier financial reports showed that thanks to the rapid growth of visitors to the Changbai Mountain Scenic Area, the company achieved revenue of 497 million yuan in the first three quarters, an increase of 209.37% over the previous year, and achieved net profit of 152 million yuan, a sharp increase of 693.26% over the previous year.

Furthermore, as a popular winter destination, the Hainan Spring Festival holiday also ushered in a new round of peak passenger traffic. According to data from the Flying Pig platform, the number of hotel reservations in Haikou and Sanya during the Spring Festival holiday this year increased about 3 times over the same period last year.

To attract tourists, Haikou City announced that it will issue 4.226,900 yuan digital yuan duty-free vouchers from January 18 to January 31 to stimulate visitors to go shopping on the island early.

With the support of the Spring Festival holiday and the good start of snow and ice tourism, the popularity of the tourism market is expected to surpass 2023 and reach another level in 2024. According to the “Report on the Development of Snow and Ice Tourism in China (2024)” released by the China Institute of Tourism Research, the number of ice and snow tourism travelers in China has exceeded 300 million for two consecutive quarters. It is estimated that during the 2023-2024 snow and ice season, the number of snow and ice leisure tourists in the country is expected to exceed 400 million for the first time, and the revenue from snow and ice leisure tourism is expected to reach 550 billion yuan.

Currently, domestic “recreational” snow and ice sports dominate, and also include snow and ice tourism+food, snow and ice tourism+hot springs, snow and ice tourism+folk customs, snow and ice tourism+parent-child tourism, etc.

According to data from the China Institute of Tourism Research, the number of domestic tourists will reach 6.025 billion in 2024, a recovery rate of 25% compared to 2019.

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