
大行评级|摩根大通:重申拼多多“增持”评级 目标价上调至195美元

Bank Ratings | J.P. Morgan Chase: Reiterates that Pinduoduo's “increase in holdings” rating target price was raised to 195 US dollars

Gelonghui Finance ·  Jan 18 15:51
Glonghui, January 18 | J.P. Morgan Chase released a report. It is expected that Pinduoduo's stock price will still be the best in China's internet sector this year, even though it has significantly outperformed its peers last year. After recent discussions with industry experts, the bank believes that market consensus still underestimates revenue and profit growth in the Chinese market, and that this growth will be supported by monetization measures promoted in the second half of last year. Furthermore, the bank indicates that Temu's gross transaction volume and revenue growth may have exceeded the market's high expectations, as its investment will be more aggressive in non-US markets. Supported by high profits in the Chinese market, Temu's loss will not derail the steady growth of the Group's overall profit. The bank predicts that Pinduoduo's profit will rise 30% year-on-year, and Temu's gross transaction volume will double to 40 billion US dollars year-on-year, making the bank's revenue forecast for Pinduoduo 15% higher than the consensus. The bank reaffirmed Pinduoduo's “gain” rating, and the target price was raised from $180 to $195.

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