

Qingyun Technology (688316.SH): Technical and commercial cooperation with leading AI vendors in the industry, including Zhipu Qingyan and Shang Tang

Gelonghui Finance ·  Jan 18 15:40

Gelonghui, January 18 | Qingyun Technology (688316.SH) said on the interactive platform that AI intelligent computing services require not only computing power, models, but also data processing and scenario applications. Multiple layers of technology work together to build complete service capabilities. To this end, Qingyun Technology relies on AI computing power and AI computing power scheduling capabilities, and is committed to building an AI intelligent computing ecosystem, and has carried out technical and commercial cooperation with leading AI manufacturers in the industry, including Zhipu Qingyan and Shang Tang, to provide customers with an end-to-end overall solution to meet their business needs.

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