
盘中速览 | 三大指数走势震荡,科技股小幅反弹,美团涨超2%,互联网医疗股持续走弱

Futu News ·  Jan 18 10:39

Futu News reported on January 18 that the trend of the three major indices fluctuated. As of press release, the Hang Seng Index had risen 0.24%, the Science Index had risen 0.01%, and the National Index had risen 0.22%.

On the sector side, some large technology stocks that fell sharply yesterday rebounded slightly. Baidu and Meituan rose more than 2%, while NetEase, Alibaba, and Bilibili rose more than 1%.

Photovoltaic solar energy stocks generally rose, Xinyi Solar Energy rose more than 2%, Xinyi Glass and Xiehe New Energy rose more than 1%, and Follett Glass rose slightly.

Internet medical stocks, which led the market decline yesterday, fell again. Ping An Good Doctor fell by more than 7%, and JD Health and Ali Health fell by more than 1%.

In terms of individual stocks,$MEITUAN-W (03690.HK)$It rebounded more than 2%, and yesterday the stock price fell below the issue price. Since its inception, Meituan has repurchased a total of HK$2.4 billion.

$CGN MINING (01164.HK)$After a correction of more than 4%, the stock has now risen by more than 2%. Since the beginning of the year, the stock has risen by nearly 14%.

$FLAT GLASS (06865.HK)$It rose more than 2%, and at one point it rose by more than 4% in the morning. The agency said that the photovoltaic industry's inventory removal was accelerating, and there was a marginal improvement in the supply side.


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