

Shensi Electronics (300479.SZ): Shensi Cloud Brain has functions such as speech recognition, image recognition, semantic understanding, knowledge reasoning, and device management

Gelonghui Finance ·  Jan 17 19:31

Gelonghui, January 17丨Shensi Electronics (300479.SZ) said on the investor interactive platform that Shensi Cloud Brain is a cloud service platform mainly built for industry customers. It can be deployed in public clouds, private clouds or hybrid clouds, empowering the fields of urban security, smart energy, smart transportation, smart government, and smart medical care. Using an open standard technical route, Shensi Yunbrain builds large-scale neural networks and industry knowledge bases. It has functions such as speech recognition, image recognition, semantic understanding, knowledge reasoning, and device management. It accumulates various structured and unstructured data through front-end applications, supports the iterative evolution and update of user knowledge, and realizes continuous improvement in the intelligence level and service capabilities of Shensi Yunbrain.

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