
青云科技(688316.SH):黄允松辞去总经理职务 林源接任

Qingyun Technology (688316.SH): Huang Yunsong resigns as general manager and Lin Yuan takes over

Zhitong Finance ·  Jan 16 18:28

Qingyun Technology (688316.SH) issued an announcement. The board of directors of the company recently received Huang Yun, the chairman and general manager of the company...

Zhitong Finance App News, Qingyun Technology (688316.SH) issued an announcement. The board of directors of the company recently received a written resignation report from Mr. Huang Yunsong, the chairman and general manager of the company, to resign as general manager. Since the company needs new development and new paths to seize new major development opportunities, the focus of its work will shift to new strategies, new markets, reforms and capital. It is proposed to resign as the company's general manager. After his resignation, he still serves as the company's chairman, director, board nomination committee member, board remuneration and assessment committee member, and continues to serve as the company's core technical personnel. His resignation as general manager will not affect the company's normal production and operation.

The company held the 15th meeting of the 2nd board of directors on January 16, 2024. The meeting reviewed and passed the “Proposal on the Appointment of the Company's General Manager”. Following the nomination of Mr. Huang Yunsong, the board of directors of the company agreed to appoint Mr. Lin Yuan as the company's general manager for a term of office from the date of review and approval by the board of directors until the end of the term of the second board of directors.

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