
港股异动 | 环球战略集团(08007)早盘涨超4% 与上海天萃庭健康食品就潜在合作事宜订立谅解备忘录

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | Global Strategy Group (08007) rose more than 4% in early trading and signed a memorandum of understanding with Shanghai Tiancuiting Health Food on potential cooperation

Zhitong Finance ·  Jan 15 09:35

The Zhitong Finance App learned that Global Strategy Group (08007) rose more than 4% in early trading. As of press release, it had risen 4.67% to HK$1.12, with a turnover of HK$33.1703 million.

According to the news, Global Strategy Group announced that on January 10, the company and Shanghai Tiancuiting Health Food Co., Ltd. (potential partner) signed a non-legally binding memorandum of understanding on potential cooperation in the sale of meat products to Japan, South Korea or other countries/regions. The directors believe that if the potential cooperation between the Group and potential partners is implemented, it will provide the Group with an opportunity to diversify the Group's revenue sources and meet the overall interests of the company and shareholders.

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