
雷柏科技(002577.SZ):目前主要聚焦于现有产品体系 短期内以“电子竞技”作为主要发力点

Leber Technology (002577.SZ): Currently, the main focus is on the current product system using “e-sports” as the main driving force in the short term

Gelonghui Finance ·  Jan 11 07:48

Gelonghui, January 11 | Lei Bai Technology (002577.SZ) said during a survey receiving institutional investors that the company currently focuses on the existing product system, using “e-sports” as the main driving point in the short term, strengthening the company's accumulated advantages over many years, promoting the wireless process of e-sports products, and consolidating existing businesses; adding a V+lot radio sports digital intelligence solution system to provide wireless product solutions for Internet cafes, solve the pain points and difficulties in managing peripheral equipment for Internet cafes, and promote the deployment of the company's offline radio sports products. The medium- to long-term strategy is based on the position of a consumer electronics brand and deepens the layout around the consumer electronics industry.

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