

Hang Seng Indices authorized Huaan Fund to use Hang Seng Hong Kong Stock Connect China Central Enterprise Dividend Index as an exchange traded fund

Zhitong Finance ·  Jan 5 14:49

The Zhitong Finance App learned that on January 5, the Hang Seng Index Company authorized Huaan Fund to use the Hang Seng Hong Kong Stock Connect China Central Enterprise Dividend Index as a tracking index for the exchange traded fund - Huaan Hang Seng Hong Kong Stock Connect China Central Enterprise Dividend ETF. The fund in question was listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange on January 5, 2024. As of December 14, 2023, the fund's total asset management value was approximately RMB 339 million.

As central enterprises have attracted market attention, the Hang Seng Hong Kong Stock Connect China Central Enterprise Dividend Index was launched to reflect the overall performance of high-dividend securities that can be traded through Hong Kong Stock Connect and are listed in Hong Kong where the largest shareholder is a mainland central enterprise.

In terms of performance, the Hang Seng Hong Kong Stock Connect China Central Enterprise Dividend Index recorded a total return of 7.4% in 2023, which is significantly superior to the 10.7% decline in the market (represented by the Hang Seng Composite Index). Furthermore, as of December 29, 2023, the Hang Seng Hong Kong Stock Connect China Central Enterprise Dividend Index had a dividend ratio of 7.9%, with a price-earnings ratio of 4.9 times, while the Hang Seng Composite Index had a dividend ratio of 3.9%, with a price-earnings ratio of 12.1 times.

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