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Big Bank Ratings | J.P. Morgan Chase: The Red Sea crisis worsens the shipping supply chain, and is optimistic about COSCO Maritime Control, Orient Overseas, and Pacific

Gelonghui Finance ·  Jan 4 15:18
Glonghui, January 4 | J.P. Morgan Chase released a report saying that as the Red Sea crisis worsened, more and more shipping companies suspended waterway transportation in the relevant regions until further notice, so the only option is to rearrange routes along longer routes. Unlike the blockage of the Suez Canal in 2021, the Panama Canal and the Suez Canal are facing a double crisis at the same time, caused by climate change and military action, respectively. According to the bank, considering that the drought has already caused transit restrictions on the Panama Canal, it is expected that the latest developments will further exacerbate the supply chain's difficulties. The container shipping industry will be the biggest beneficiary, followed by oil tankers and bulk carriers. Motong reiterated that it is optimistic about the covered Asian shipping companies, and that it is optimistic about COSCO Maritime Control, Orient Overseas, and Pacific Shipping.

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