
美股异动 | Moderna(MRNA.US)逆市上涨超10% 获奥本海默上调评级

Changes in US stocks | Moderna (MRNA.US) reversed the market and rose more than 10% to receive Oppenheimer's rating

Zhitong Finance ·  Jan 2 23:11

As of press release, the stock had risen more than 10% to $110

The Zhitong Finance App learned that on Tuesday, Moderna (MRNA.US) reversed the market and rose higher. As of press release, the stock had risen more than 10% to $110. Moderna's CEO said in a shareholder letter that with the introduction of the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine candidate, the influenza/Covid combination vaccine will be launched as early as 2025, and he believes the company will achieve sales growth in 2025. Oppenheimer analyst Hartaj Singh raised Moderna's rating to “outperform the market,” with a target price of $142.

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