

Qingyun Technology (688316.SH): Subsidiary signs 170 million yuan GPU computing power service agreement

Gelonghui Finance ·  Jan 2 18:40

On January 2, Gelonghui Technology (688316.SH) announced that the company's holding subsidiary, Beijing Qingyun Intelligent Computing Technology Co., Ltd. (“Qingyun Intelligent Computing”), signed a “GPU Computing Power Service Agreement” with the customer. The total contract cost is RMB 170 million (tax included). It mainly provides computing power services to customers by providing computing power servers and storage that meet customer computing power requirements. Through its own technology, the company uses the company's AI computing power platform to integrate, cluster, schedule, operate, maintain and distribute storage of related server resources. The main equipment involved in servers is leased from outside, and all of them have now been delivered.

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