

Han Jian Heshan (603616.SH) won pre-bid for 118 million yuan pipe procurement project

Zhitong Finance ·  Dec 29, 2023 19:00

Han Jian River and Mountain (603616.SH) announcement, December 29, 2023, Shanxi Province tenders and tenders for public services...

Zhitong Finance App News, Han Jianhe Mountain (603616.SH) announced that on December 29, 2023, the Shanxi Provincial Bidding and Bidding Public Service Platform released the “Wanjiazhai Huangbei Branch Line Project Pipe (PCCP and Accessories) Procurement I Bid Announcement”. The company was the first successful candidate for the “Wanjiazhai Leading Huangbei Branch Line Engineering Pipe (PCCP and accessories) Procurement I Standard” pipe procurement project. The pre-bid amount was RMB 118 million, accounting for about 21.09% of the company's audited operating revenue in 2022.

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