
港股异动 | 青瓷游戏(06633)尾盘涨超13% 像素风肉鸽弹幕手游《迷途之光》版号近日获批

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | Celadon Gaming (06633) rose more than 13% at the end of the session, the pixel-style meat pigeon barrage mobile game “Lost Light” version was recently approved

Zhitong Finance ·  Dec 29, 2023 16:08

Celadon Gaming (06633) rose more than 13% at the end of the session. As of press release, it had risen 13.1% to HK$4.75.

The Zhitong Finance App learned that Celadon Gaming (06633) rose more than 13% at the end of the session. As of press release, it had risen 13.1% to HK$4.75.

According to the news, on December 25, the State Press and Publication Administration released approval information for domestic online games in December. A total of 105 games were approved. Among them, the celadon game “Lost Light” was listed. According to reports, “Lost Light” is a pixel-style meat pigeon barrage mobile game. The game is based on action adventure, combines map exploration and card development gameplay, and provides a large number of skill choices, allowing players to explore through free skill combinations.

Celadon Games recently stated during a roadshow that the company has rich game reserves, and many have already obtained edition numbers. The self-developed unlimited streaming casual placement game “Time Travel Agency” was officially launched in the mainland on December 22. The game will also have plans to go overseas in the future. There is also the key self-development project “Project E”, an SLG game in the post-apocalyptic world, which is worth looking forward to.

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