

Delice (002330.SZ): The subsidiary received 5,6213.4 million yuan in government subsidies

Gelonghui Finance ·  Dec 27, 2023 17:03

Gelonghui, December 27丨Delice (002330.SZ) announced that according to the “Notice of the Jiaohe Finance Bureau Documents on Issuing Reward and Supplementary Funding for Jilin Delice Food Co., Ltd.” Jiaocainong Index [2023] No. 0466, Shandong Delice Food Co., Ltd., a holding subsidiary of Shandong Delice Food Co., Ltd. (“Jilin Delice”) recently received a reward fund of 5621.34 million yuan for pig slaughter and deep processing projects from the Jiaohe Finance Bureau, accounting for the company's most recent audit Shareholders' net profit 17.77%

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