

Huijishan (601579.SH): Textile City plans to invest no more than 2% of its shares in the Lending Business of Transfinance Securities

Gelonghui Finance ·  Dec 27, 2023 16:10

Gelonghui, December 27丨Huijishan (601579.SH) announced that in order to effectively revitalize existing securities assets and promote the preservation and appreciation of state-owned assets, Textile City plans to participate in the Huijishan share lending business. The loan amount will not exceed 1% of Huijishan's total share capital for 90 consecutive days, and the total loan scale will not exceed 2% of Huijishan's total share capital. Lending part of the shares does not have the right to vote, and China Securities Finance Co., Ltd. will not provide compensation for the voting rights for the corresponding portion of the shares. If the company has stock changes during the loan period, such as stock transfers or capital increases from the capital reserve fund, the amount will be adjusted accordingly.

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