
东旭光电盘中异动 早盘大涨5.45%

智能写手 ·  Aug 14, 2019 09:49

08/14/2019, 09:49 a.m.Dongxu Optoelectronics(000413) There was a change, and the stock price increased sharply by 5.45%. As of press release, the stock was reported at 4.64 yuan/share, with a turnover of 251.78 million lots, a turnover rate of 0.52%, an amplitude of 4.09%, and a volume ratio of 10.42.

The stock's latest one-day (2019-08-12) financing data is: financing balance of 2015.5418 million yuan, financing purchase amount of 19998,800 yuan, securities balance of 934,400 shares, and securities sales volume of 209,500 shares.

The stock has risen and stopped 3 times in the past year. After the rise and stop, it rose 2 times and fell 1 time on the second trading day, accounting for a rise of 66.67% and a decline of 33.33%.

However, the stock has not stopped falling in the past year.

The overall increase in the electronic components industry where Dongxu Optoelectronics is located was 2.56%. Among its related individual stocksLansi Technology,Hongxin Electronics,Lanco IntelligenceThe increase was large, up 10.0%, 8.9%, and 8.4% respectively;World Transport Circuit,TAILONG LIGHTING,Taijing TechnologyMore active, with turnover rates of 19.4%, 12.7% and 10.8%, respectively; Tailong Lighting,Jizhi TechnologyShiyun Circuit had significant amplification, with volume ratios of 42.9, 20.2, and 20.8, respectively; related stocks with large amplitudes include Shiyun Circuit, Lanco Intelligence, and Lansi Technology, with amplitudes of 8.6%, 8.5%, and 7.5%, respectively.

Dongxu Optoelectronics's main business is flat panel display glass substrate production line equipment manufacturing and technical services, production and sales of glass substrate products, color filter business, and new energy bus business. As of August 14, 2019, the number of shareholders (households) of the company was 357,654, an increase of 7,292 over the previous statistics day. (end)

(The above content is completed by Money Call, an intelligent machine writer for optional stocks. It is only used as a reference for users to watch the market, and cannot be used as a basis for buying.)

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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