
A股酿酒板块集体反弹 皇台酒业冲击涨停

The A-share winemaking sector collectively rebounded, and the Huangtai liquor industry hit ups and downs

Gelonghui Finance ·  Dec 21, 2023 09:49
Glonghui, December 21 | Liquor is leading the way, the Huangtai Liquor Industry has risen and stopped, and Weilong shares, alcoholic liquor, rock shares, and Shede Liquor have followed suit. According to the news, the “2023 Annual Report on the Development of China's Liquor Industry” released a few days ago shows that leading wine companies continue to grow, small and medium-sized wine companies and some uncompetitive or uncharacteristic enterprises continue to crowd out; the regional wine industry is growing rapidly, and there is a process of structural differentiation in the industry as a whole.

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