
上海机电股价拉升5.04% 股价创4月新高

Shanghai Mechanical and Electrical shares rose 5.04% to a new high in April.

智能写手 ·  Aug 12, 2019 10:27

10:27 morning trading on August 12, 2019Shanghai mechanical and electrical(600835) there was a change, and the stock price soared by 5.04%, reaching a new high in April (the former restoration price). As of press time, the stock was at 18.97 yuan per share, with a turnover of 48510 lots, a turnover rate of 0.60%, an amplitude of 5.75%, and a volume ratio of 1.77.

The most recent day of the stock (2019-08-09) margin data are: financing balance of 238.7938 million yuan, financing purchases of 18.2203 million yuan, margin margin of 104900 shares, margin sales of 16200 shares.

The latest quarterly report shows that on March 31, 2019, the stock achieved diluted earnings per share of 0.23 yuan, operating profit of 410 million yuan, and basic earnings per share of 0.23 yuan, with a price-to-earnings ratio of 76.48.

In terms of institutional ratings, in the past six months, 3 brokerages have given suggestions to increase their holdings and 4 brokerages have given buying suggestions.

The stock has not risen by the limit or fallen by the limit in the past year.

Shanghai Mechatronics is located in the special equipment industry, with an overall increase of 0.17%, among its related stocks.Bluebird fire fightingZhongqian sharesSea volume cold chainThe increase was relatively large, up 10.0%, 5.7%, 5.5%, respectively, and the sea capacity cold chain.Hongsheng sharesYijiaheMore active, with turnover rates of 11.9%, 4.4% and 4.1%, respectivelyXinyuan science and technologyAnd Koda.Shanghai YahongThe volume ratio is 9.9 and the volume ratio is 5.8 and 5.6 respectively. The related stocks with larger amplitudes are Xinyuan Technology and Zhongqian shares.Changhong science and technologyThe amplitudes are 10.2%, 8.8%, 8.3% respectively.

Shanghai Mechatronics Company is mainly engaged in the manufacturing of mechatronics equipment such as elevators, printing and packaging machinery, hydraulic and pneumatic products, as well as investment in related industries. As of August 12, 2019, the number of shareholders (households) of the company was 60212, an increase of 1025 over the previous statistical day. (end)

(the above content is completed by Money Call, a self-selected intelligent machine writer, and can only be used as a reference for users to look at the disk, not as a basis for buying. )

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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