
A股又现“监狱风云”:内幕交易反亏钱 春兴精工实控人被判刑

A-shares are now in a “prison situation” again: Chunxing Precision's actual controller for insider trading against losing money was sentenced ·  Dec 15, 2023 22:12

① Chunxing Precision Industries (002547.SZ) announced that the ruling on Sun Jiexiao, the controlling shareholder and actual controller, in the previous insider trading case was officially released. ② According to the “Criminal Judgment”, Sun Jiexiao committed the crime of insider trading and was sentenced to three years' imprisonment, four years' probation, and a fine of RMB 400,000.

Financial News Agency, December 15 (Reporter Zhao Zixiang) After going through procedures such as filing a case, investigation, administrative punishment, and filing a public complaint, another actual controller of A-shares who “took risks” was finally sanctioned by law. This evening, Chunxing Precision (002547.SZ) announced that the ruling on the controlling shareholder and actual controller Sun Jiexiao's previous insider trading case was officially released.

According to the “Criminal Judgment” issued by the Suzhou Intermediate People's Court, Sun Jiexiao was guilty of insider trading and was sentenced to three years' imprisonment, suspended for four years, and a fine of 400,000 yuan.

Chunxing Precision said in the announcement that Sun Jiexiao has not held the position of director, supervisor or senior manager of the company since July 2018. The above judgment is Sun Jiexiao's personal matter, will not affect Sun Jiexiao's exercise of shareholders' rights and the company's normal business operations, and will not affect the company's control. Currently, all of the company's production and operation activities are normal, and the management team is stable.

Sun Jiexiao's insider trading case occurred in 2018. At the beginning of that year, a case was filed and investigated by the Securities Regulatory Commission. The investigation results disclosed by the regulatory authorities a year later showed that from June 2016 to February 2017, Chunxing Precision was planning to acquire CALIENT TECHNOTERIES, Inc. In the process, Sun Jiexiao promptly appointed as Chunxing Precision Director Zheng Haiyan and other insider information insiders used insider information to illegally buy Chunxing Seiko shares totaling 275 million yuan.

On October 24, 2018, the company announced that on October 24, 2018, Sun Jiexiao was taken coercive measures by the public security authorities and later released on bail awaiting trial on October 28.

On February 10 of this year, according to the company's disclosure, Sun Jiexiao received successive indictments and summonses, and was prosecuted on suspicion of insider trading. After 10 months of trial in the Suzhou Intermediate People's Court, on December 15, the listed company learned from the actual controller that the verdict had been handed down a few days ago.

It is worth mentioning that this case has received a high level of attention before. One reason is that during Sun Jiexiao's insider trading process, in addition to controlling multiple brokerage accounts to manipulate stocks, he also bought company shares through insider trading through trust companies. However, after several operations, the final calculation of this insider trade ended up losing about 28.21 million yuan.

As of the end of the third quarter of this year, among the top ten shareholders of Chunxing Precision, Sun Jiexiao personally held 315 million shares, accounting for 27.89% of the total share capital. He is still the actual controller of the company. Among them, Yuan Jing, as the company's current chairman, has a husband and wife relationship with Sun Jiexiao. The number of shares held is 31 million shares, accounting for 2.75% of the total share capital.

According to Chunxing Precision's Third Quarterly Report, the company achieved total operating income of 1,826 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 0.23%, and net profit of 40.751 million yuan, with net profit changing to loss over the previous year.

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