

Zero point number (301169.SZ): There has been no clear progress in the secondary transaction of public data

Gelonghui Finance ·  Dec 15, 2023 07:41

On December 15, Gelonghui (301169.SZ) recently received a survey from institutional investors and said that there has been no clear progress in the second transaction of public data. Taking a city as an example, the right to operate public data resources is auctioned off, but there is still no progress. It is possible that after the auction of data operating rights, it is not clear to both the transferee and transferee how to monetize the value of the data. For example, in a company's business, this kind of public data may be used for industrial planning or urban planning, etc., but the path of how to effectively use the huge amount of data is still yet to be explored. On the other hand, now there is a gradual increase in the number of institutions or companies with data resources seeking corporate cooperation. They expect to plan data products or list on data exchanges through cooperation. The company believes that the promotion and development of the data element market is beneficial to the development of the data industry. The construction of a data element market has improved data quality and accessibility for companies. With the increase in data volume and the country's impetus, although the short-term progress of API-based trading of data has fallen short of expectations, the company still believes that OTC trading will accelerate development. This is an opportunity for digital merchants.

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