
零点有数(301169.SZ):保持稳健投资风格 投资与并购采取极为谨慎的策略

Zero points (301169.SZ): maintain a steady investment style and adopt an extremely careful strategy in investment and mergers and acquisitions

Gelonghui Finance ·  Dec 15, 2023 07:40

On December 15, Gelonghui (301169.SZ) recently stated during a survey from institutional investors that the company maintains a steady investment style and has adopted an extremely cautious strategy in investment and mergers and acquisitions. The company continues to pay attention to and reserve proposed investment projects, and selects projects for investment through careful research combined with long-term observation of its business conditions. The company mainly targets enterprises with a software-based mindset of data intelligence, focusing on factors such as industrial collaboration or complementarity and performance, and further constructing the company's digital intelligence business development ecosystem.

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