

Xiaomi cars are exempt from purchase tax! The battery life is 800 kilometers, and real photos have also been revealed

智能車參考 ·  Dec 13, 2023 14:22

Source: Smart Car Reference

The new purchase tax exemption regulations have been issued, and the Xiaomi SU7 has confirmed the exemption:

Recently, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology announced a number of new energy vehicles that are exempt from purchase tax. Xiaomi's first car, the Xiaomi SU7, was clearly on the list, and the range was revealed at the same time.

At the same time, some netizens took a real shot of the rear of the Xiaomi SU7 without camouflage, which sparked a buzz and shouted that the “ID photo” was beautiful.

Not long before the new batch of exemptions was announced, the three departments also issued a joint document making adjustments to policies relating to the reduction of new energy purchase tax.

This is the first major adjustment in six years. If I want to buy new energy next year, do I still want to save a few thousand to 30,000 yuan in purchase tax?

You'll have to take a close look at that.

Xiaomi Confirms Exemption from Purchase Tax

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has announced a new batch of new energy vehicles that are exempt from purchase tax. The list includes a number of popular models. Among them, the Xiaomi SU7 has received the most attention.

According to published information, the Xiaomi Su7 has two battery models, 101 kWh and 73.6 kWh, with corresponding ranges of 800/750 km and 668/628 km, respectively.

Based on the previous declaration information for the Xiaomi SU7, the model with a maximum battery life of 800 km is equipped with a Ningde era ternary lithium battery, four driving power with dual motors, an 800V high-voltage platform, and an active rear wing as standard.

The model with a battery life of 668 km uses BYD's lithium iron phosphate battery, and the 400V platform has two driving forces.

Some netizens speculate that the difference in battery life of the same model should be due to the size of the wheels.

However, almost at the same time that the battery life of the Xiaomi SU7 was revealed, some netizens first photographed the rear of the Xiaomi SU7 without camouflage. The logo in the lower right corner is suspected to be the “Max version.”

Some people read it and say it's more beautiful than a “ID photo,” and it has a “sports car flavor.”

Shortly before a new batch of purchase tax exemptions was announced, three ministries and commissions, including the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Finance, and the State Administration of Taxation, issued a joint document to adjust the new energy purchase tax exemption regulations.

This is the biggest adjustment in six years. If I want to buy a new energy vehicle next year, I still want to save on the purchase tax, so I have to pay attention to that.

Which car to buy next year can be reduced from purchase tax

Compared to 2017, where only the relevant regulations for plug-in (including extended programming) hybrid models were updated, this adjustment covers various power models such as pure electric, hybrid, and fuel cells.

If you want to buy a pure electric car next year and save on purchase tax, pay attention to the following rules:

First, if the vehicle's battery life is less than 200 km, it will no longer participate in the exemption after the adjustment.

This article mainly targets miniature electric vehicles. Currently, there are cars on the market that do not meet this standard.

However, models such as the Panda Mini and Chery QQ Ice Cream are also included in the new batch of exemption lists, and the battery life just exceeded the 200km target.

The new regulations still leave relaxed conditions for this. If the range of these cars decays less than 35% at low temperatures, then their battery life only needs to exceed 120 km.

In addition to battery life, you should also pay attention to the battery energy density when buying a car. If it is below 125 Wh/kg, there is no purchase tax exemption.

Another major adjustment is energy consumption, but existing vehicles can basically meet it (electricity consumption is 100 kilometers, M represents the car's own weight).

You can take the Xiaomi SU7 as a simple calculation. The vehicle's overall weight of the 800km battery life model is 2205 kg. According to the prescribed formula, the electricity consumption for 100 kilometers should be at least 19.184 kWh.

Considering that its battery capacity is 101 kWh, combined with rough estimates of battery life, the power consumption for 100 kilometers is 12.625 kWh, which is much lower than required.

If the intention to buy a car is hybrid, it depends on the quality of maintenance of the purchased vehicle. According to the formula, excessive fuel consumption or electricity consumption cannot participate in the purchase tax reduction.

As an example, if the maintenance weight of a hybrid car is 2000kg, then it is in power maintenance mode, that is, in most cases when the engine is working. If the fuel consumption for 100 kilometers exceeds 10.9485L, then it cannot participate in the purchase tax exemption.

Then, we also need to look at electricity consumption. According to the formula for pure electric vehicles in the previous picture, in the pure electric mode, if the electricity consumption of a hybrid vehicle exceeds 125% or 130% of the corresponding requirements (depending on whether the car itself weighs more than 2,510 kg), the purchase tax cannot be reduced.

The new regulation adjustments also cover fuel cell models. The “pure hydrogen range” of models that can be exempted from purchase tax is at least 300km, and the starting temperature must be lower than -30°C. In addition, there are many requirements for rated power.

Finally, special attention should be paid to tram exchanges. In addition to paying attention to indicators related to pure electric vehicles, it is also necessary to add the “power exchange mode” logo and add relevant materials.

The relevant policies are also not immediately implemented. The end of January-May next year will be a transition period, leaving a buffer time for enterprises and car owners who want to reduce the purchase tax.

So how much exactly can the purchase tax be reduced now?

According to the current formula, vehicle purchase tax is generally: vehicle invoice price/11.3. Assuming you buy a 150,000 yuan new energy vehicle, you can reduce the purchase tax by 13,200 yuan.

However, the current policy stipulates that the maximum tax exemption amount until 2026 is 30,000 yuan, so if you buy a new energy vehicle for more than 340,000, then you will still have to pay purchase tax.

In other words, the current policy can help you save up to 30,000 yuan, and at least a few thousand yuan.

One More Thing

Simultaneously with the Xiaomi SU7, the battery life was revealed, as well as the “prominent package”, the ideal MEGA, which has a battery life of 710km.

The battery capacity is 102.7 kWh, the vehicle weight is 2785 kg, and the wind resistance coefficient was recently declared to be 0.215 Cd.

How, is this level of energy consumption and battery life conspicuous enough?


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