
中越携手构建命运共同体 双边贸易快速增长有望带动相关企业腾飞

China and Vietnam join hands to build a common destiny, and rapid growth in bilateral trade is expected to drive related enterprises to take off ·  Dec 13, 2023 07:49

China and Vietnam announced the new position of relations between the two parties and the two countries. On the basis of deepening the comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Vietnam, China and Vietnam will join hands to build a strategically significant common destiny between China and Vietnam.

China and Vietnam announced the new position of relations between the two parties and the two countries. On the basis of deepening the comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Vietnam, China and Vietnam will join hands to build a strategically significant common destiny between China and Vietnam.

Since China proposed the “Belt and Road” initiative, Vietnam has also supported and participated in the initiative. China and Vietnam are each other's important trading partners. The industrial chains and supply chains of the two countries are deeply integrated, and bilateral trade has maintained relatively rapid growth. According to statistics from China Customs, bilateral trade in goods between China and Vietnam reached US$23.2 billion in 2021, up 19.7% year on year in US dollars and 12% year on year in RMB, accounting for about one-quarter of total trade between China and ASEAN. Among them, China's exports to Vietnam were 137.93 billion US dollars, up 21.2% year on year, and imports from Vietnam were 92.27 billion US dollars, up 17.6% year on year. Vietnam is China's largest trading partner in ASEAN and the sixth largest trading partner in the world. In recent years, Vietnam has gradually become a “new hot spot” for the international layout of listed companies in China. According to statistics, since this year, more than 50 A-share listed companies, including BOE, Wuhan Fangu, and Sunwoda, have invested in projects or set up subsidiaries in Vietnam. According to the Huatai Securities Research Report, Southeast Asia is gradually becoming a popular destination for investment in the technology industry, and Vietnam has taken advantage of geographical advantages and tariffs to become one of the major overseas bases of China's electronics manufacturing industry.

According to the Finance Federation's theme library, among the relevant listed companies:

Beibu Gulf Port is the sole operator of state-owned public terminals in the Beibu Gulf region of Guangxi. It is the shortest transit distance for domestic and foreign trade materials in southwest China, and the most convenient shipping channel for ASEAN countries in southwest China.

The Nanning (Tanluo) to Baise Expressway under the jurisdiction of Wuzhou Transportation is a gateway from the southwest region to the coastal port of Guangxi and Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao; the Dongxing subsidiary of the subsidiary Wantong Logistics has developed into the largest logistics company at Dongxing Port at present. With active trade with ASEAN, the development momentum has been good in recent years.

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