
中天精装(002989.SZ)实控人拟转让其所持控股股东55.76%股权 12月12日开市起停牌

The actual controller of Zhongtian Hardcover (002989.SZ) plans to transfer 55.76% of its controlling shareholder's shares, and trading will be suspended from the opening of the market on December 12

Zhitong Finance ·  Dec 12, 2023 06:55

Zhongtian Hardcover (002989.SZ) announced that the company received the company's holding shares on December 11, 2023...

According to the Zhitong Finance App, Zhongtian Hardcover (002989.SZ) issued an announcement. The company received a notice from Suqian Zhongtian Rongjian Enterprise Management Co., Ltd., the controlling shareholder of the company on December 11, 2023. Qiao Rongjian, the actual controller of the company, plans to transfer 55.76% of the shares held by the company's controlling shareholders. The counterparty to this transaction is a limited partnership enterprise controlled by state-owned assets. The transaction may involve changes in the company's control, and related transaction matters still require approval from competent authorities such as state-owned assets supervision and management.

Following the company's application to the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, trading of the company's shares and convertible corporate bonds will be suspended from the opening of the market on December 12, 2023 (Tuesday). The suspension period is expected to last no more than 2 trading days. During the suspension period, the company suspended the conversion of convertible corporate bonds to shares.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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