
美股异动 | Innoviz盘前涨约9% 多家投行唱好 小摩给予13美元目标价

Changes in US stocks | Innoviz rose about 9% in the pre-market, and many investment banks sang for Xiaomo's target price of $13

Gelonghui Finance ·  Dec 11, 2023 17:32
Greenway December 11 | Innoviz (INVZ.US) rose 8.89% to $1.96 in the pre-market session. According to the news, analysts from three mainstream investment banks said that Innoviz Technologies' stock price may soar by more than 400% in the next 12 months. J.P. Morgan Chase gave Innoviz the highest target price, reaching $13, which is equivalent to an increase of more than 626%.

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