

Beishui continues to increase its position of Meituan by more than HK$600 million and sells more than HK$400 million of millet; Nanshui bought Kweichow Moutai for nearly 700 million yuan

Futu News ·  Dec 8, 2023 17:41

On December 8 (Friday), South China Capital's net purchase of Hong Kong stocks was HK$3.369 billion today.

$TRACKER FUND OF HONG KONG (02800.HK)$,$MEITUAN-W (03690.HK)$,$CNOOC (00883.HK)$received net purchases of HK$1,788 million, HK$612 million and HK$525 million respectively;

$XIAOMI-W (01810.HK)$,$CCB (00939.HK)$,$ICBC (01398.HK)$Net sales were HK$417 million, HK$395 million and HK$209 million, respectively.

Today, Beishang Capital had a net purchase of 460 million yuan.

$Kweichow Moutai (600519.SH)$,$Inspur Electronic Information Industry (000977.SZ)$,$Chongqing Changan Automobile (000625.SZ)$Received net purchases of 670 million yuan, 618 million yuan and 465 million yuan respectively;

$Shanghai United Imaging Healthcare (688271.SH)$,$Hygon Information Technology (688041.SH)$,$China Pacific Insurance (601601.SH)$It received net sales of $1,014 million, $838 million, and $571 million, respectively.


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